Zombie Finger Sandwiches

How about "Zombie Finger Sandwiches" for a creepy and fun Halloween-themed treat?


- Sliced white bread (the zombie flesh)
- Cream cheese (for the "rotting flesh" filling)
- Sliced black olives (the "decaying fingernails")
- Charlie's Saucery Hot Sauce (for a hint of spookiness)
- Red bell pepper (the "bloody" garnish)
- A dash of black pepper (to add some extra "dirt")


1. Begin by preparing your "zombie fingers." Take two slices of white bread and remove the crusts. These slices will be the zombie flesh for your sandwich.

2. In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese with a few drops of Charlie's Saucery Hot Sauce. Adjust the spiciness level according to your taste.

3. Spread a generous amount of the cream cheese mixture over one slice of bread, leaving a small border along the edges. This will serve as the "rotting flesh" filling.

4. Place a second slice of bread on top of the cream cheese mixture to make a sandwich. Press gently to adhere.

5. Use sliced black olives to create "decaying fingernails" on one end of the sandwich. Position them so they slightly hang over the edge to give a chilling effect.

6. Slice a red bell pepper into thin strips. These will serve as the "bloody" garnish. Place a strip of red bell pepper at the base of the "fingernails" to simulate blood.

7. Add a dash of black pepper on top of the cream cheese for an extra touch of "dirt" on your zombie fingers.

8. Repeat the process to create as many zombie finger sandwiches as you need for your ghoulish gathering.

These "Zombie Finger Sandwiches" are a spooky and scrumptious way to add a macabre twist to your Halloween spread. The hint of spookiness from Charlie's Saucery Hot Sauce gives these eerie treats an extra kick of flavor. Enjoy, and watch out for hungry zombies! 🧟🥪🌶️

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